The highest standard in concrete compaction
The innovative Synchronlaufrüttler developed by BRECON Vibration Technology and are exclusively manufactured by us.Unlike standard vibrators with asynchronous motors, in which the slip between the rotor and stator provides with each shaker for different speeds, BRECON SL joggers run without the aid of sensors with exactly the speed that is specified on the drive.
BRECON SL vibrators offer extensive benefits:
- homogeneous compression
- visible improvement in surface quality
- faster compaction as with conventional vibrators Equipment
- Reproducibility of the compaction process and product quality
- Reduction of the noise level and energy consumption compared to standard asynchronous vibrators
- Extend the life of the metal structure by reducing the structural burden on the form
In our catalog you will find detailed information about our products.
For customized products and more information, you will find all contact details on our contact page. We would be pleased to offer you our technical advice.